What are the health benefits of tempeh?

The health benefits of tempeh are numerous. Unlike many other soy foods, tempeh is made from whole soybeans and has all the health benefits of soybeans. Tempeh fermentation also changes the properties of the soybeans. According to Dr. Axe, tempeh is known to lower cholesterol, increase bone density, reduce menopausal symptoms, and promote muscle recovery. Tempeh has the same protein quality as meat and contains high levels of vitamins B5, B6, B3 and B2.

High fiber content

One serving of tempeh contains more fiber than most people consume in a day. Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive tract and the prevention of many chronic diseases.

Tempeh is easy to digest

Tempeh is a great choice for people who have difficulty digesting high-protein plant foods such as beans and legumes, or soy foods such as tofu. The process of fermentation softens the soybeans because the enzymes produced by the mold predigest much of the basic nutrients. The Rhizopus mold produces an enzyme, phytase, which breaks down phytates, increasing the absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium. The fermentation process greatly reduces the oligosaccharides that make beans difficult to digest for some people. Studies have shown that tempeh is essentially flatulence-free and produces no more gas than non-legume foods.

Ideal for people on low sodium diets

Unlike other fermented soy products, such as miso, which is very salty, tempeh is extremely low in sodium.

Contains natural antibiotics

Rhizopus molds produce natural, heat-stable antibiotics against some disease-causing organisms. Indonesians who eat tempeh as a regular part of their diet recognize it as a medicine for dysentery and rarely fall victim to the intestinal diseases they are constantly exposed to.

Good for Diabetics

The protein in tempeh is excellent for diabetics, who tend to have problems with animal sources of protein. The protein and fiber in tempeh can also prevent high blood sugar levels and help keep blood sugar levels under control.

Vitamin B12

Tempeh is not a reliable source of vitamin B12. Vegans should not rely on tempeh or other plant sources as their source of vitamin B12 and should take vitamin B12 supplements.